Analysis paralysis is making you poor
Your Life

Analysis paralysis is slowly making you poor

- November 23, 2021 7 MIN READ

If you’re sick of failing at reaching your financial goals, analysis paralysis could be the culprit. A quick decision is often better than no decision at all. It’s funny how an upcoming new year gets us thinking about the things we’d like to do better, and the goals we want to achieve in the next… Read more »

How to boost your cashflow
Your Money

How to boost your cashflow and beat the banks

- October 20, 2021 3 MIN READ

It seems simple, but figuring out the best place to keep your money to boost your cashflow can be confusing. Financial planner Ben Nash shares some common sense advice. It’s common these days for people to have a bunch of bank accounts, loans, credit cards, and savings accounts. But keeping your money in the wrong… Read more »

Kick-ass money strategy formula
Your Money

A simple formula for a kick-ass money strategy

- October 4, 2021 3 MIN READ

It’s time to really think about your money strategy and what you can do to get ahead. It might be sorting out your cashflow, setting up an investment plan, buying property, clearing debts, or saving for your next big holiday. Whatever your plans are, how you set up your money strategy will impact on how… Read more »

Why you're probably going to be poor in retirement
Your Life

Why you’ll probably be poor in retirement

- September 15, 2021 6 MIN READ

Nobody wants to be poor in retirement, especially if you’re living the good life now. Which is a significant part of the problem… We’re generally pretty bad at thinking ahead. It’s human nature to care more about our immediate satisfaction and happiness than making sacrifices for the benefit of some vague point in the distant future.… Read more »

Why market timing is so important
Your Money

Why market timing drives investment success

- August 16, 2021 5 MIN READ

The concept of market timing seems simple, but so many people get caught up in the hype and end up getting it wrong. What is market timing? Market timing involves choosing the very best time to invest money. Like Marty McFly in Back to the Future, it would be great to know in advance when… Read more »

Are you hard-wired to be bad with money
Your Money

Are you hardwired to be bad with money?

- July 5, 2021 4 MIN READ

I’ve found it’s actually our basic psychology that pushes us to make bad decisions with money. But you can hack the system… The more research and work I do with people around money, the more I realise we’re actually hard wired to be unsuccessful. We’re destined for failure from the start and actually have very… Read more »