Patience and money go hand in hand
Your Life

All we need is just a little patience 🎵

- November 5, 2021 5 MIN READ

The Gunners were right! Once you’ve got the money basics sorted, patience is really all you need. It turns out that one of the key methods to grow your wealth requires you to do nothing much at all. At least, nothing much after you’ve set a few important plans in motion. Once you’ve set your… Read more »

Women financial problems that are unique to them
Your Life

4 financial problems that only women face

- November 2, 2021 3 MIN READ

If dealing with *everything* women tackle wasn’t already enough, there are certain ‘women’s financial problems’ they have to manage, too. I’ve always been passionate about encouraging women to take an interest in their money, rather than taking it for granted or surrendering the responsibility to a partner. Having seen friends struggle to make ends meet… Read more »